Corn. Application table:
During this period, the above-ground mass slowly develops, but the root system is intensively developed, nutrient intake is low, and the stressful effects of herbicides on the young plant affect.
Corn shoots. Critical periods in the formation of high yields are the 2-3 leaf phase, when a rudimentary stem differentiates, and the 6-7 leaf phase when the cob size is determined.
The period of intensive growth. During this period, under favorable conditions, the increase in the aboveground mass may be 10–12 cm per day. Formation of panicle occurs in early ripe 4–7 leaves in the phase, mid-ripening - 5–8 and middle-late - 7–11 leaves.
The full appearance of corn panicles.
Cob formation occurs in early ripening in phase 7-11, middle ripening - 8-12 and middle late - 11-16 leaves. Drought, overmoistening of the soil, lack of mineral nutrition during the flowering period impair fertilization, reduce the vegetation of the cobs, thereby determining the future harvest.
Full bloom After flowering, the growth of corn in height stops.
During this period, the maximum amount of biomass is observed in plants; plants accumulate up to 75% of organic matter.
At the end of wax ripeness, the maximum amount of dry matter is noted.