Top dressing of garden strawberries (strawberries). How to get the maximum return on investment?
Garden strawberries in Ukraine are always popular. Its advantages are precocity, the possibility of growing on soils with a high level of groundwater, on sandy soils. Strawberries are in excellent demand both fresh and frozen, which makes it possible to efficiently process excess crops.
Therefore, in recent years, the area under this crop has been growing, especially in the southern regions of the country. However, the lack of moisture in the South, and recently in other regions of Ukraine, requires the organization of watering plants. Of course, this is an additional investment, but also a guarantee of a harvest in any conditions.
In addition, drip irrigation makes it possible to apply top dressing efficiently and accurately. And here - the competent organization of plant nutrition, the precise application of fertilizers in the necessary phases of development, the use of stimulants - significantly increase the yield.
In addition, the intensive technology of growing strawberries requires the use of pesticides. And this is always stress for plants, which can result in big losses.
The developments of Agro.Bio make it possible to grow the maximum yield of strawberries, “close” its needs for microelements and stimulants in time, and effectively relieve stress.
Our solutions - the maximum result every year!
Fertilizing strawberries in spring
As a rule, strawberry feeding begins in early spring, with the application of nitrogen fertilizers - ammonium nitrate or urea. At this time, during the restoration of the leaf rosette, the bushes grow new roots and repair winter damage. That is why in early spring, against the background of nitrogen fertilizing, potassium humate is appropriate, at the rate of 2-3 l / ha. It will improve the spring absorption of nitrogen and accelerate the development of bushes.
No less important is the spring struggle with stress. Strawberries are intensively overgrown with weeds, and therefore require several treatments with powerful herbicides. Their use is always stress for the bushes, inhibition of growth, developmental delay. The use of potassium humate fertilizer under the root (1 l / ha) will help relieve stress, and in severe cases, or when planning a high yield, treatment with the Imperium "Agro.Bio" anti-stress stimulant. The amino acids, polysaccharides and phytohormones contained in it enable the plant to quickly “restart” after stress.
Flowering and ovary formation
Strawberries in the spring develop due to the resources accumulated last fall. That is why it blooms and bears fruit so early. Unsuccessful wintering, lack of nutrition in autumn can impair flowering and ovary formation. During the release of buds, before flowering, it is worth giving the plant the most necessary trace elements - magnesium, boron, copper, manganese, zinc, molybdenum, cobalt. Their use ensures a balanced development of the plant, a large amount of nectar, intensive germination of pollen grains and efficient pollination. An excellent solution is the drug Multicomplex humate +10, which contains all these microelements in a chelated form accessible to plants. Their assimilation is enhanced by salts of humic acids - humates. A little later, during flowering, strawberries are fed with humate + phosphorus + potassium. Fast-absorbing, available phosphorus is exactly what what is needed for high berry set and high yield. Phosphorus is a necessary raw material for cell division. Humates and fulvates of the drug enhance and accelerate its absorption. Therefore, fertilizing with humate + phosphorus + potassium makes the berries much larger.
Moreover, to increase the size of berries on a high agricultural background, the introduction of the Amino Energy "Agro.Bio" amino acid preparation is justified. Available amino acids are ready raw materials for cell growth. Therefore, the increase in the ovary is more intense, and the berries increase in size. At this moment, with warming, powdery mildew often attacks strawberries. It is especially active against the background of intensive nitrogen fertilizing after flowering.
Treatment with powdery mildew preparations should be carried out against the background of root dressing with a solution of potassium sulfate. Adding potassium humate to the irrigation will improve the absorption of the fertilizer and help maintain the plant's turgor, which is necessary for resistance to these fungi. Wilted bushes are much more vulnerable to powdery mildew.
Fruit ripening and preparation for wintering
With the beginning of the reddening of the first berries, the main task is to increase their resistance to gray rot, improve lightness and transportability. Traditionally, potassium and calcium supplements are used for this. To reduce the cost of fairly expensive fertilizers and fungicides, improve their absorption and strengthen the berry will help two - three times the use of potassium humate.
Often, after picking berries, they stop caring for strawberries until the fall and remove the mustache. However, this is a big mistake. It is in August that the next year's harvest is laid. It is especially important to feed the mother liquor, from which the whiskers are taken for the propagation of strawberries. But no less nutrition is needed for mother plants. At this time, as well as during the budding period, strawberries need microelements, nitrogen and potassium.
Top dressing with high-quality fertilizer for fertigation, which will be supplemented by the Multicomplex humate +10 and potassium humate, is optimal. The Multicomplex humate + 10 is especially necessary for the August feeding with inexpensive urea. In addition, watering with a solution of potassium humate is absolutely necessary for rooting plantings. This top dressing will make it possible to significantly increase the yield next year. After all, humate is an excellent rooter!
Proper use of fertilizers and stimulants when growing strawberries makes it possible to get the most out of the plantation and quickly recoup investments in expensive irrigation systems.
Fertilizers developed by Agro.Bio fit perfectly into an intensive feeding system and significantly increase both the yield and the quality and transportability of berries.
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Ukraine has an agrarian orientation of the economy and, in the modern context, one of the most perspective areas for agriculture is the use of organic products, based on the application of purely natural components, that the company AGRO.BIO manufactures and offers – concentrated liquid POTASSIC HUMATE, which helps to restore the natural components of the main active environment – the soil – rationally and effectively.
The soil environment does not always contain the enough amounts of nutrients necessary for plant growth and development, but this disadvantage can be improved by additional fertilization, in particular with POTASSIC HUMATE BALLASTLESS made of LEONARDITE produced by AGRO.BIO. It is an ecologically safe multi-nutrient fertilizer and growth stimulator of organic origin for agricultural plants promoting the increase of soil fertility.
In order to make it easier for you to get an understanding of our products, the articles about potassium humate and multicomplexes are uploaded below.