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List of articles for the category of blog Microfertilizers

Ukraine has an agrarian orientation of the economy and in modern conditions one of the most perspective areas for agriculture is the use of organic preparations and is based on the application of exclusively natural components that offers production AGRO.BIO - liquid concentrate GUMAT KALIYA , which helps to rationally and effectively restore the natural components of the main asset - the soil.

In a soil environment, there is not always enough nutrition for plant growth and development, but this disadvantage can be improved by additional fertilization, namely: GUMAT KALIYA UNLIMITED WITH LEONARDITA produced by AGRO.BIO - ecologically safe complex fertilizer and growth stimulator for organic plants that promote soil fertility.

In order to make it easier for you to read our products below, there are articles about potassium humate and multicompules.

What contributes to the accumulation of nitrates in plants? Danger to plants.

What contributes to the accumulation of nitrates in plants? Danger to plants.

The inclusion of nitrates in organic compounds in plants occurs both in the roots and in the leaves, and depends on the modes of nutrition of plants and the conditions of their growth.
Top dressing of garden strawberries (strawberries). How to get the maximum return on investment?

Top dressing of garden strawberries (strawberries). How to get the maximum return on investment?

Fertilizers developed by Agro.Bio fit perfectly into an intensive feeding system and significantly increase both the yield and the quality and transportability of berries.
An integrated approach to feeding potatoes. The result is 500 kg / ha!

An integrated approach to feeding potatoes. The result is 500 kg / ha!

Feeding only corrects nutrition. The optimal application rate is 500-600 liters of organic fertilizers, and 700-1000 kg complex mineral, per hectare.
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List of articles for the category from the blog Minor-nutrient elements

Read more... List of articles for the category from the blog Minor-nutrient elements